Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)

Scientific Classification
Species:Zalophus wollebaeki
Common:Galápagos sea lion

The Galápagos sea lion is a species of sea lion that exclusively breeds on the Galápagos Islands.


Adult Male

Male Galápagos sea lions are larger than the females and also tend to have thicker, more robust neck, chest, and shoulders and have a slender abdomen. Once sexually mature, the male has a characteristic bump-like projection (sagittal crest) on their forehead.

Adult Female

Female Galápagos sea lions have a longer, more slender neck and thick a torso. They lack the sagittal crest having a nearly flat head and little or no forehead


Immature Galápagos sea lions, like the adult females, lack the sagittal crest having a nearly flat head and little or no forehead


Galápagos sea lion
Galápagos sea lion
North Seymour, Galápagos (2010)
Galápagos sea lion
Galápagos sea lion
North Seymour, Galápagos (2010)

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Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)