Historic Buildings of Groveland, California

Historic buildings I have photographed in Groveland, California.

Historic Buildings Groveland Hotel
Built 1849
The Groveland Hotel was built in 1849 by George Reed, a gold rush sawmill operator. An additional wing was built in 1914. It is Groveland's largest adobe building.
Historic Buildings Texaco Service Station
Built c. 1935
Calpingers' Texaco Service Station was built around 1935. It is currently the Iron Door General Store.
Historic Buildings Hotel Charlotte
Built 1921
The Hotel Charlotte was built in 1921 during construction of Hetch Hetchy reservoir. It is of neoclassical design.
Historic Buildings Casmir Reboul's Trading Post and Restaurant
Built 1849-1852
Currently the Helping Hands Thrift Store, this is one of Groveland's oldest buildings.
Historic Buildings Cassaretto Home
Built c. 1900
The Cassaretto Home was built around 1900 by Edward Cobden.
Historic Buildings Justice Court and Library
Built 1918
A concrete block structure built in 1918 housed the Justice Court and Library downstairs until the 1990s. Currently it is the Groveland Community Hall.
Historic Buildings Baird's Hotel
Built 1920
Baird's Hotel was originally a three story building. The Lumsden house is all that remains.
Historic Buildings Craftman-style House
Built 1920
Built in 1920, this craftman-style house is currently occupied by United Mortgage and One Hour Photo.
Historic Buildings Margaret Simmons Home
Built 1900
The Margaret Simmons Home was constructed in 1900 by Edward Cobden. It was extensively remoddelled in 1998 and is currently the All Seasons Groveland Inn.
Historic Buildings Groveland School House
Built 1916
The Groveland School House was built in 1916 with voter approved bonds. It is a Spanish revival frame building, currently occupied by the Yosemite Bank.

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Continent: North America
Country: United States
State: California
Historic Buildings