Birds of the Sierra Nevada, California

A list of birds I have photographed in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California.

Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Red-tailed Hawk
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Red-shouldered Hawk
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Turkey Vulture
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Cinnamon Teal
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Tundra Swan (Immature)
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Whooper Swan
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Brewer's Blackbird
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Brewer's Blackbird (female)
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Red-winged Blackbird
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Brown-headed Cowbird
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Western Bluebird
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
American Coot
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Double-crested Cormorant
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Mourning Dove
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Pine Siskin
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Lesser Goldfinch
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Cassin's Finch
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
House Finch
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Purple finch
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Northern Flicker
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Canada Goose
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Pied-billed Grebe
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Black-headed Grosbeak
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Great Egret
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Great Blue Heron
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Anna's Hummingbird
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Rufous Hummingbird
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Steller's Jay
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Western Scrub Jay
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Rufous-crowned sparrow
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Dark-eyed Junco
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Common Merganser (female)
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Ruddy Duck
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Hooded Merganser
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
White-breasted Nuthatch
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Black Phoebe
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Band-tailed Pigeon
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
California Quail
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Common Raven
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
American Robin
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Savannah Sparrow
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Barn Swallow
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Tree Swallow
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
White-throated Swift
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
California Towhee
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Spotted Towhee
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Oak Titmouse
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Mountain Chickadee
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Western Tanager
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Yellow-rumped warbler
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Cedar Waxwing
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Red-breasted Sapsucker
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Acorn Woodpecker
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Lewis's Woodpecker
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Nuttall's Woodpecker
Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Downy Woodpecker