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SpeciesAnimaliaChordataAvesPasseriformesEmberizidaeGreen-tailed towhee (Pipilo chlorurus) | ||||||||||||||||||
Green-tailed towhee (Pipilo chlorurus)
The Green-tailed towhee is the smallest towhee. It can be found in most of the Western United States, south to Mexico. IdentificationGreen-tailed towhees are often unseen because of its tendency to stay hidden under bushes. AdultsBoth male and females have bright green stripes on the edge of its wings, white throat patch and rufous crown. ImmatureJuveniles are brown and white streaked with a yellowish wash on their wings. GalleryRelated Page HierarchyKingdom: Animalia (animals)
Class: Aves (birds)
Family: Emberizidae (American sparrows)
Green-tailed towhee (Pipilo chlorurus)